JOHN TILSON GANOE QI II tion of twenty mile sections. Assent to the terms of the grant was to be filed with the Department of Interior within one year. The first twenty miles was to be com- pleted within two years and at least twenty miles each two years thereafter, and the whole road by July 1, 1875. Mineral lands were exempt but timber lands were not. The California and Columbia River Company had ceased their activities in 1865, when Barry returned east and ceased his activities. In order to obtain the grant, Gaston began in September, 1866, to organize a new company. The legislature had not yet met. On Oc- tober 6, 1866, Gaston took the articles of incorporation of the new company to the Secretary of State for filing. The company was not yet fully organized so Gaston had the Secretary of State endorse the date upon the back of the papers and withdrew them to gain further incorpor- ators. On October 10, 1866, the legislature designated it, the Oregon Central Company, as the company to receive the grant, provided by the Act of Congress. The articles of incorporation had not yet been permanently filed. The articles, up to the passage of the act by the legislature designating the Oregon Central Railroad Company, con- tained only eight names. 18 Dissention arose between the incorporators and a fight for control began. Several were opposed to the Barry survey, notably I. R. Moores, the first signer of the articles of incorporation. The power of attorney authorizing the opening of the stock books pro- vided that the Barry survey should be paid for by stock, to this Moores objected. 19 A meeting of the incorporators was held November 10, and there the breach was widened. Some favored having Portland capitalists brought into the company and some opposed because they feared if 18 House Journal 1866, p . 256. The Articles of Incoporation were pub- lished in the Oregonian October 8, 1866, and contained the names of J. S . Smith, J. H . Mitchell, Jesse Applegate, Joel Palmer, E. Ellsworth, I. R Moores, E. D . Shattuck, F. A . Chenoweth, H. W . Corbett and E. R . Geary. E. Ellsworth and E. R . Geary do not appear on the articles as filed. 19 Inside History of the Oregon Central R. R .