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characterised the labours of the past year. Praise be given to God. Sinners have been awakened and converted believers have been quickened and sanctified backsliders have been reclaimed and in not a few cases, the prodigal wanderer has returned to his fathers house to God be all the Glory. We are painfully concious however of having accomplished but little comparatively for the cause of God. A beloved brother remarked a few days ago as we were rideing togather that he was dissatisfied that we are doing so little as ministers of Christ in the way of direct personal labor for the salvation of Souls. I fully concur in the spirit of the remark the prostration of deep humility before God is our appropriate position. I am not aware that any department of our work has been overlooked, attention has been given to preaching the word Pastoral visitation, the instruction of children the formation of Sabbath schools the circulation the distribution of tracts and books both of our general catalogue and those adapted to children and encouragement has been given to the general interests of Education. But how much of pure gospel & holy unction there have been in our sermons and with what measure of honest faithfulness we have been "Instant in season and out of season" in our general work are questions we are yet to answer at the Judgment seat of Christ.

Our annual meeting was held at this place on Wednesday & Thursday of last week there were present all our men now employed David, Leslie, J. H. Wilber A. F. Waller Wm Helm J. L. Parrish John MeKinney, James Raynor, J. S. Smith & Wm Roberts, after the usual introductory services, our first buisness was to enquire into the character of the preachers whatever reasons exist at home for close scrutiny in these examinations certainly must apply with additional force to all who labour in foreign fields. Each broth gave some relation of his spiritual state and also the state of the work under his care. It was a season of heartsearching power and the Lord was in pur midst the respective interests of Education the Bible cause Sabbath Schools temperance and the cause of missions were refered to seperate committees the reports of which were prepared and considered with all the care the time would allow It is time perhaps for me to say that your letters bareing date Sep 30th Oct 12th Nov 16&21st togather with one in

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