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Although the title page of this hymn book (see plate)

bears the date 1842, it was commenced so late in December that it could not have been finished until well into 1843. Dr. White and party left on December 20th, so the title page of the book must have been set up between then and January 1st, 1843.

The seventh book printed was the small book of select portions of scripture. No copy of this work is known to exist, so its exact size is unknown, unless it be considered the same as that incorrectly mentioned by Dr. Myron Eells, "another in 1840 of eight pages."

On August 26, 1843, Mr. Spalding thus mentions this book to Mr. Greene :

"My days were spent in preparing & printing (in the press) a small Hymn-book of 32 pages a small book of select portions of scripture is commenced, type partly set, but being not acquainted with the business I make slow work."

The eighth and ninth publications of the mission are thus alluded to by Mr. Spalding from Clear Water, Oct. 17, 1845:

"Last winter, I finished translating the gospel of Matt, which was printed at this place, by a young man from St Louis also a small book in English & Nez- perees."

This young man was Medare G. Foisy, a brief account of whom is related by Mr. Himes in his article, who came across the plains from St. Louis early in 1844.

Mr. Spalding also refers to this vocabulary in a letter dated Clear Water Feb. 3, 1847 :

"I prepared & had printed a small book in Native & English, but it was labor thrown away."

The only copy of this Vocabulary known to the writer belongs to the Oregon Historical Society and consists of 24 pages, with a printed cover, having a calendar for 1845 on the back.

In an inventory of "Property pertaining to the Mis-

sion Station at Lapwai caused to be destroyed, sacrificed or lost in consequence directly or indirectly by the Mas- sacre at Waiilatpu" and sworn to by Mr. Spalding on September 1, 1849, are listed the following supplies of native books:

"400 coppies of Gospel of Matthew not Bound

Native $100 00

300 coppies Small Book English & Native 50 00

200 Elementery Book Native 45 00

300 coppies Hymn Book Native 40 00"

The abandoned printing office is thus described in the same inventory, the press having been removed to the station at The Dalles before the massacre :

"one printing office 28x16 weather boarded, Shingled


Timber & Framing 92 00

Shingles & Putting on 25 20

Lumber & inclosing 67 50

9 windows with Frames & casings 72 00

3 Doors with do do 17 50

1 Chimney 18 00"

At the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Oregon Mission, at Waiilatpu, commencing on May 9th, 1845, the follow- ing resolutions and assignments relating to translations were passed :

"Resolve. That Dr. Whitman & Mr. Spalding be appointed a committee, to communicate all necessary information, in relation to the translation of the Gospel according to Matthew, in accordance with a letter re- ceived from Rev. Mr Hallock Secty of American Tract Society.

On Motion Mr Spalding was requested to. translate, and prepare for the press, as much of the Acts of the Apostles as may be.

On Motion Mr Walker was requested to translate, and prepare for the press as much of the Gospel according to Matthew as circumstances will admit, and that Mr Eells cooperate with him, in the review.

On Motion Dr Whitman was appointed a Committee to make provision for printing."












Abia; Abianm raiahi

.1 IMASH hiwash Jesuslautsnma Asa; Chriitpkinih vviautiath kupb.l 8 Aaanm iitiabs autsama Jo- Davidnim miaii# awaka Jeautfjgaphat; JosapbaUmt miahs aut Christ, Abraliautiiifn imabs a- sama Joratii; Joraniiuni miabf waka David. autaama O'/Jae;

2 Abrahamnim miaha atitsa- II O^iaantm mtahs anttama in a Inaaci Igaacnim tuiahs aut-jJoatiiam; Joathttwiiitn tntahs sama Fc6b; Jacybnim marnni- autsaina Achax; Achaznim as aulsama Judas wak aska* mialts autjiania Kzckia;



10 F//,eki8inipi iniahs wanfai- ma BIttna8t*s;

is Pharos wah 7*ara, Tharma-jaha autaama Anton; Amonuim pkinih; Phari'snim miahs ayt-fmiahs autsama Josiaa;

" I Josiasmm inamaiaa tut

Ksronr, KKromuini miuiss

sama Jcchoniaa wak nkama,

ama autsama Aram;

4 Aramnim miaba aut^amajka knua Buhylonpa patiahnaa* Amiftadab; Amtnadabnirn rni-jankika iiitinuiia* nhs autsama Nnnnon; NaaJonm ti Ka kaua panabpaikatDF

  • is autrtama Salmon; jkika Dabyionpa ' imtnuiia, kaua

Sahuonrn iniaha aut8amaLl^koniaiiim iniahs autsama Haqhabkinih; lioo/.ninii^alathfot; Satathielm mrttahs auiMttina Obud Ituthpki* aui^Htna Xorobabcl;

11 Xorobabeltn miaba aut Banm Aliitid; Abiudnim miaha

nih; Obedmrn miahs antsarna

Jonsenint mtahs David) Mihat; Davidnttn Mio-

litttum luinhn tiutsama Solomon, ka yoh awiika iwapna. Urianm ?

kunimpkinib; 7 Salomon

mioha autsama


14 Axirtim twiahs Satloc; Sadponim*tniitha autua-

ina auUa'iua

Eiiitdniui minits



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