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(Pend d'Oreille, now officially spelled Pend Oreille) Indians to this same tribe.

The arrival of white men at this lake and their activities during the first few days thereafter were chronicled by Mr. Thompson as follows: Sepr. 8, 1809: Friday A fine day, but very cold night. Ice was formed, but the leaves are yet every- where very green, except a few on the Ground, which in places are a little faded. At 7% a.m. set off, Co. S. 20 E. % m. to a Brook, which we followed, S. 40 E. % M, then crossed it. 2 It is 15 Yds wide, deep & very easy Current. Co. S. 20 E. 6 M. to a Rill of Water which we followed down S. 40 E. 1%M. to the Lake. 3 I do not pretend to take any Courses farther as I hope for a better opportunity, we went abt. 1 M. then met Canoes who embarked abt. 20 Pieces of Lumber & Goods. We held on SEd. 4 or 5 M. & put up at 2% p.m., the wind blowing too hard for the Canoes to hold on. Killed 2 Geese. Mr. McDonald 1 do. & Bouche 1 do. Beaulieu 1 Crane & the Flatheads 3 Ducks.

Sepr. 9. Saturday. A fine day, the wind moderating, the Canoes got off & we followed, but the wind rising, the Canoes were obliged to lighten & reload part of the Horses. We all at length arrived in safety, thank God, at the mouth of the River 4 at 2 p.m., where we camped for the night. They all smoked, say 54 Flat Heads, 23 Pointed Hearts 5 & 4 Kootenaes, in all about 80 men. They there made us a handsome present of dried Salmon & other fish with Berries & a Chevruil &c.

Sepr. 10. Sunday. A very fine day. Early set off with 2 Flat Heads to look for a place to build a House, we at length found a place somewhat eligible but labours under the want of good earth. I returned & we got all the Goods embarked by the Flat Heads & landed the whole by 3 p.m., when we set up our Lodge & Tents &c.

Sepr. 11. Monday. A cloudy day with a little Rain we made a scaffold for our Provisions & got Birch for Helves, which is very scarce & helved our Tools &c. &c.

2 Pack river, flowing into the lake near Hope, Idaho. So named in mining days because loaded boats ascended the stream to this crossing of the trail.

3 Pend Oreille lake.

4 Clark Fork river.

5 Coeur d'Alen Indians.

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