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300 F. G. YOUNG

Dr Babcock

Sir pleas pay Calvin Tibetts twenty three Dollars and fifty cents at the Mission Store and the sam I will credit on the twenty five Dollars on E Youngs Estat that I hold and oblige your humbel Servant Jas A ONeil

Nov 4th 1842 Endorsed : accepted Nov 4th 1842

I hereby certify that I was present when Sidney Smith called on Judge Babcock to close his Unsettled Accts with the Estate of E. Young it was then agreed that the within enclosed Orders should be placed to the Credit of Sidney Smith, it was ascer- tained that he Sd Smith was owing the Estate twenty three and a half bushels of wheat on account, which would leave a bal- lance of Sixteen an a half bushels which was due Mr Smith at ninety cents per bushel

Mr Smiths Book Account was also allowed by Judge Bab- cock as correct David Leslie Willamette July 2 1845 Addressed : To Judge Nesmith Willamitte Falls

1840 D Leslie in a/c with Estate of Ewing Young

Dr Cr

Jan 25 To Lumber and hauling 27.00


May 28 " one Cabres (Lasso) 3.00

June 28 " one do 1.40

July 22 " Lumber and hauling 55.50

By paid Hathaways note for 14.00

Lumber 3.75

do 3

" One Lasso 3.00

" 22 days use of horse 22.00

" Paid at Vancouver 85.60

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