298 News and Comment
party that opened the Naches trail to Puget Sound, across Cascade Mountains, and president of the Yakima Pioneers' Association. The site of the monimient is a camping place ef that pioneer party near Yakima. The inscription reads :
Chief OW-Hi's Gardens
First Emigrant Train
From East
Longmire's Train
Encamped Here
Sept. 20, 1853
McClellan's Headquarters
Flag First Unfurled
In Yakima Country
August, 1853
Erected by Yakima Pioneer Ass'n ^
Sept 20, 1917 ^
H. J. Snively acted as chairman of the ceremonies. The Reverend Mr. Lingenfelter, of Selah, delivered the opening prayer. David Longmire made an address reminiscent of pio- neer times. Governor Ernest Lister accepted the monument in behalf of the State of Washington. Other speakers were Professor Edmond S. Meany, of Seattle, and Thomas B. Hill, of Yakima. A committee was named by President Longfmire, to organize a Yakima memorial association, as follows : A. D. Sloan, Fred Parker, Ernest D. Fear, T. B. Hill, F. C. Hall, A. E. Larson, Wallace Wiley, H. Stanley Coffin, Phil Ditter and Fred Chandler.
The articles appearing in this volume of the Quarterly en- titled, "Where Is Point Vancouver?" and "Log of H. M. S. Chatham," serve to bring to the notice of the present genera- tion the dates and circumstances of the naming of two of our prominent snow peaks : Mount Hood and Mount Saint Helens. It is not commonly known that Saint Helens was named from