210 Fred Wilbur Powell
finally consolidated in a statement of his account against the public under the head "Expenditures and Losses in Time and Property— The Public To Enterprise, Dr.", the total being $132,250.«
If we attempt to state Kelley's account in terms of public service we must enter some items at merely nominal values for lack of information; but with all necessary qualifications, there would seem to be a considerable balance on the side of Kelley, whose claim to distinction may be set forth as follows :
The American Qaim to Oregon. — From a wide range of sources Kelley collected materials on the question of title to the lands on the Northwest Coast and presented the facts in pamphlets, in newspaper articles, in memorials to congress, in public lectures, and in private conferences. Many of his state- ments of fact have been properly challenged, and his emphasis upon the matter of the Kendrick land purchase may have weakened his argument; yet his constant agitation served to keep the issue alive until the national government found it expedient to take final action. Whether Kelley's efforts di- rectly influenced congress in any way is doubtful.
The Occupation of Oregon Proposed. — For many years Kelley claimed that he had been the first to propose the occu- pation of the Oregon territory by American citizens, and this claim has been generally accepted by historians, with the exception of Bourne, who said:
"Mr. Kelley's claims for himself seem greatly exaggerated,
8 Eleven years, up to 1836, at $2,000 per year $22,000
Fifteen years, up to 1852, at $1,500 per year 22,500
Publishing books and tracts 500
Travelling for the purpose of lecturing 200
Expenses at Washington 500
Two shares of the Oregon stock, and five certificates 300
Loss on the brig "John Q. Adams'* 300
Loss at Three Rivers 300
Loss at New Orleans 300
Loss at Vera Cruz 1.150
Loss by robbers, near Salamanca 200
$48,250 Interest ... to 1852, about 84.000
Amount, $132,250
— Norrativf of Evfnts and Difficulties, 7.