grace to present these subjects as gospel truths in the love of the gospel of the Blessed Saviour.
Brother Johnson received a letter from you informing us that the Board had voted to increase our salaries to $200 each, which I hope will enable us to give ourselves entirely to the work, after three or four weeks which must be spent, on my part, in rendering my house tolerable for the winter.
I wrote you in July by Elder Gary, on his return to New York. (He will probably deliver the package in person.) In those letters I ordered you to forward me some articles of clothing and other articles. Should you receive this in sea- son to forward a few other articles with the box before ordered, you will please put up twelve yards of Canton flannel, fifteen yards of red woolen flannel, six or eight pounds of saleratus or pearlash put it up in a box or jar; four pounds of candle wicking; a tin reflector for baking bread; a hat, cheap, sub- stantial, 23^2 inches around the outside under the band; one set of Fuller's works bound in sheep. 134 I very much need a commentary of the Bible, having disposed of both of mine before leaving the States on account of the transportation across the mountains, but I do not know but I shall make my orders exceed my income. Put up also one additional web of substantial dark calico. We hope the Baptist Publication Society will forward us a few of their publications, such as exhibit the peculiarities of the denomination and others of a devotional character, such as memoirs of eminent Christians, as a donation, if they can. The people here need religious reading. Probably some books of the above named character might be sold. Can you not obtain and forward us more tracts, as our stock will be exhausted before we shall get returns from this ?
My family are in good health. Indeed, we have had no sickness on the coast with the whites since the settlement of the country. Providence has given us one of the most salubri-
134 The works of Andrew Fuller (1754-1815), a famous Baptist (Englh theologian. McClintock and Strong, Cyc. of Bibl. Theol. and Eccl. Lit. Ill: 6< The edition asked for was probably that published in Philadelphia, edited
lish) 692.
probably that published in Philadelphia, edited by Joseph Belcher. O. A. Roorbach, Bibliotheca Americana, p. 209.