let it be substantial, but it may be much coarser than would be called for in your city.
Ten yards of satinet.
One dollar's worth of good spool thread.
One card of shirt buttons.
Hooks and eyes, pins, sewing needles.
Two fine combs.
50 cents' worth of tape, sewing silk, pants and vest buttons.
1 pair of cheap fire shovel and tongs.
1 pair of plain andirons.
One cheap set of teacups and saucers.
Six common dining plates, four bowls.
One spider, called skillet in the West, for frying meat.
One pair of silver set spectacles.
15 or 20 pounds of coffee.
One two-quart pitcher, plain.
Two cheap linen table cloths, white.
Give my thanks to Br. Everts for the Bible Manual. Bi*. Johnson has received his.
I am now on board the Brutus and in great haste. Elder Gary has engaged to deliver these sheets in person and will probably give you some interesting descriptions of the state of things generally in Oregon.
I will just say that I have received a letter from a Brother Ross, 132 a member of Br. Evert's church, who is in California. He is engaged in a Sabbath school at San Francisco Bay, and strongly solicits ministerial aid. From all the information I can receive, I am of the opinion that a faithful missionary or two should be sent to California immediately on the receipt of the intelligence that it is added to the United States. I am,
Yours as ever,
1 32 This was Charles L. Ross, who came by sea to California in 1847. H was prominent in San Francisco for a number of years as a merchant, land owner, and public-spirited man. Bancroft, Hist, of Cal. V: 704.