22, Sun. Preached to the In. Mr. S. interpreted. Mr. and Mrs. S. were very much pleased at receiving- a visit from me, and I was very much gratified with the visit, and trust it was a profitable one.
23. Took leave of these warm friends, came about 10 mi. to the river and were hindered a long time, before we could get a canoe ; and it was 2 o'clock before we were across, and ready to move on. Encountered a shower of rain, which was disagreeably cold. Encamped just before dark.
24. Started after breakfast and had a strong headwind all the forenoon, but pushed on hard and before dark found my- self at Wallawalla. Distance this day at least 75 mi. Mr. Pambrun estimated it considerable more. Found myself rather weary, but slept sweetly and arose quite refreshed.
27th. The boat from Vancouver and one from Colville ar- rived, and I was greatly disappointed at receiving only one note from the Willamette. Was expecting letters from all the M. Family and was very fearful, that, as they had let this opportunity pass, I should not get them at all. "Hope de- ferred maketh the heart sick."
29. Preached in English to nearly all the inmates of the Fort, but half perhaps understood little. I was careful, not to shun to declare the whole counsel of God, and an influence was felt, but I fear it was of short duration, for the gentlemen continued their business after services. I think without paying any attention to its being Sabbath.
May 2. Having provisions, pack saddles, &c, nearly all in readiness, I went again to see the Dr. and Mrs. W.
Fri. 4. Thinking my letters had probably arrived I started for W. and met Bro. Edwards coming with them ; returned to read them. Was greatly rejoiced, and refreshed, to hear from all my friends and especially from my dear wife. How differ- ent this world, from that which is to come : Here we are often separated from the dearest objects of our affections, there, we shall have no desire unsatisfied if we are with Jesus.