in this new excitement and we think we can better calculate on results than when the mines were first discov- ered in California. Our men will not leave our Territory, immigration is constantly pouring in upon us. The mining is to be done in our own territory and in six or eight months our valley will be thronged with immortal beings. Gold will either be plentiful or labor will be comparatively cheap. The world's wickedness will be thrown upon us. How much we need strong faith and warm hearts to meet and conquer the enemy by love!
Our school numbers about fifty this term. When our re- inforcement arrives we hope to make such a disposition of the labor as will most glorify God. Brother Johnson and myself have concluded to order the Home Mission Record as fast as we obtain subscribers and pay for the paper out of our salary at N Y. till it amounts to five dollars each, and that will be as much as will meet the wants of our brethren in Oregon the present season probably. We would gladly do ten fold that amount, if we were able, but our family expenses are great and we are economizing to the extent of our abilities to meet the claims of our schools and secure public confidence. I trust God will carry us through and bless the efforts.
I herein send you the names of Mahlom Brock. Oregon City Post Office, and J. D. Garrett and Hector Campbell, Milwaukie Post Office, as subscribers for the Home Mission Record 1 . Please forward them to said offices.
Give my sincere thanks to Dr. Williams 2 ^ for consti- tuting me a life member of your Society. I am altogether unworthy the honor of that distinguished servant of Christ. The Lord multiply his means and enlarge his liberality to this great Christian enterprise. My personal thanks to Dr.
236 This was probably Rev. William R. Williams, at that time pastor of the Amity Street Baptist Church of New York City. An. Encyc. XVI 1641 .
A person could be made a life member of the Home Mission Society by the payment of $30.00. Bap. Home Missions in N. Ant. 1832-1882, p. 350.