ers' Journal and the Home Mission Record 22 -* and I could have numbers of other similar subscriptions, if I could in- sure the papers. If you think best to accede to the proposals made in this, write me at your earliest convenience. We wish to know if the proprietors of the New York Recorder and the Mothers' Journal will do the same. We wish you to be reminded anew that we are almost discouraged in re- lation to the hope of your furnishing us a suitable teacher by the opening of spring. God being my helper, I will try and sustain the school till you send us a suitable man to sustain at least a part of the responsibilities of our school. Then again we are entirely out of school books and there are none to be had in the country. Cannot you send us some? We will sell them so that we can refund the money with ten or 20 per cent, perhaps more.
Then we very much need preachers for the places I men- tioned to you in the letter I forwarded to you by the last mail. -. .
I have received no letter from you since the one you sent accompanying the commission of the first of April last.
All which is respectfully submitted in great haste.
EZRA FISHER, Missionary at Oregon City. Received Dec. 9, 1850.
Oregon City, Oregon Ter., Nov. 12, 1850. Rev. Benj. M. Hill. Dear Brother :
Yours under date of Sept. 4th, 7th, 9th, together with a letter from Rev. Geo. C. Chandler of Aug. 19, were received last mail and I now hasten to answer them in brief so as to have them leave by f the next steamer. By Divine favor my health and that of 'my family have been unusually good through the season, notwithstanding the unusual amount of
224 "The Home Mission Record" was the official publication of the Baptist Home Mission Society and was first published m :84g. Bap. Home Missions tn N. Am. 183*188*, p. 54-