every other favorable point and open up this point unan- ticipated by all and unsought, and by this means throw us as a denomination in juxtaposition with the Romans, and in the only position where they may be successfully met. Here they are making great efforts to secure the work of educating the children and youths of our city and surround- ing country. They have erected a nunnery about 70 feet by 30, two and one half stories, with a school in operation under a lady superior and five assistant sisters of charity and have about sixteen or twenty female children from fam- ilies in our city. One of the priests teaches all the male scholars he can draw under his instruction, which, by the way, have been very few (not more than 8 or 10) since I opened my school. My school the last quarter numbered more than fifty.
We have also a female school in this place taught by a Presbyterian lady. 200
On motion it was unanimously voted to request Elder Ezra Fisher to continue the charge of the school in Ore- gon City and that the Board of the A. B. H. M. Soc. be requested to continue him as a missionary in this place and vicinity at a salary of two hundred dollars a year. The Society voted to make an effort to raise four thousand dollars the ensuing year to erect a suitable school house and to meet the incidental expenses of the Society. The Society voted: to appoint Elder Richmond Cheadle its agent for two months, with a salary of one hun- dred dollars per month, to carry the above resolution into effect.
Voted to request the Board of the A. B. H. M. Soc. to use their influence to procure us a bell, weighing from 200 to 500 pounds, and classical books such as are in use in literary schools in New England and New York.
Since the last named meeting the proprietors of the claim have agreed to give to the institution about ten or
200 This was Mrs. N. M. Thornton. Bancroft, Hist, of Ore. 11:35-