(Continued from page 176, June Quarterly)
Clatsop Plains, Oregon, March 1, 1849. Rev. Benj. M. Hill. Dear Brother:
In this I will give you a journal of my tour through the Willamette Valley last June and July.
June 13th, 1848. Preached at my north station, four miles from my residence, to an attentive assembly and attended S. S. and Bible class. We seemed to enjoy more than a usual degree of the divine Presence. In the evening walked three miles to the landing for these plains, seven miles southwest from Astoria. Here we spent an hour in social prayer with six or eight professors, among whom were two who have re- cently professed a hope in Christ. Conversed with Mr. L. on the importance of publicly putting on Christ by baptism. He assured me that he is only waiting for the returning health of his wife that she may accompany him.
19th. Left the Scippanouin 160 landing for the Willamette, in company with a party of fifteen, in a large canoe. The morning was delightfully serene and the Columbia, here eight miles in width, formed one vast mirror reflecting the light, the imagery of towering hills and stately forest trees everywhere skirting and often overhanging its bold and pre- cipitous shores. This day by alternate sailing and rowing or paddling, we made our way up the stream forty-three miles; and, just as the sun was concealing his golden beams behind the accumulation of lofty hills, we sought and found a camp on a rocky shore at the base of a steep mountain side loaded with heavy forests and almost impenetrably bestudded with vines and shrubbery. Here we kindled our fire, took such re- freshments as we had provided for the journey, committed ourselves to the care of Him who spreadeth out the heavens as a tent and laid our weary bodies down under the starry canopy to rest for the night, as is our uniform custom in journeying on this mighty river.
22d. This morning at eight reached Linnton, a small town
1 60 Skipanon, on Clatsop Plains.