name from the circumstance that some of the Traders were obliged to make a raft to cross it in high water. Even here I have the word of God to read. What an inestimable privilege. For it is able to make me wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. O, Lord waken my drowsy powers to read and understand and practice all thy righteous will and pleasure. The Indians play foot-ball on Sunday and (tell it not in Christendom) it has been taught them by people calling themselves Christians as a religious exercise. O my God hasten the time when darkness shall flee away and the true light shine Jn every heart. Soon my Sabbaths on earth will be finished and then if I am faithful here (O glorious prospect) I shall enter upon a Sabbath that will have no end.
This evening I feel my mind calm and serene perhaps the prayers of the Christian Church have been answered in our behalf.
How cheering the thought that thousands of prayers have this day [been] offered for us.
Mon. August 4, 1834. Marched 7^ hours and camped on a small creek.
Grass not very good. Find myself very much fatigued but we have time enough to rest.
Tues. 5. Camped on a beautiful brook about 12 o'clock. We have come \ l /2 day march out of our direction to try to kill mountain sheep.
The Capt. has sent out some Indians to find where the sheep range and to-morrow we purpose to make a general hunt. We are surrounded with high mountains in almost every direction.
Wednes. August 6. Started out hunting in company with Capt. Stewart and one other. We ascended a very high mountain in search of sheep. We were obliged to climb it in a zigzag direction and I think we ascended 3000 ft. above the level of the prairie on which it is based and still there were others whose summits were above us. We commenced de- scending on the opposite side and [I am] persuaded we passed