the ensuing year, and it must probably be ten months before you will be able to recover the insurance and place the goods within my reach. The letters enclosed in the boxes with the periodicals are of course lost. I shall be obliged to write an- other sheet and enclose in this. I therefore close this by subscribing myself your unworthy brother,
N. B. Want of time prevents my writing more by this opportunity to California to meet the first mail steamer. But I will give you extracts from my Journal soon, some brief geographical notices, etc.
Yours, E. F.
Received June 19, 1849.
Clatsop Plains, Feb. 5th, 1849. Rev. Benj. M. Hill. Dear Brother:
That there may be no mistake in relation to the boxes shipped on board the bark Undine on the 21st day of Jan., 1848, I will give you the copy of the inventory as forwarded by you.
It appears that Thos. S. Baker sailed as Master and that Capt. James Bishop & Co. were proprietors. The Undine has changed owners and masters. It is to be hoped you have learned of the disaster and secured the insurance and for- warded me the same articles in kind before this time. But if not, I trust on the receipt of this you will secure the in- surance and forward the same articles in kind and quality, excepting the children's shoes. You will please get them all one size larger at least, as they are growing fast. I wrote on board the bark Whiton in the fall of 1847 ordering the fol- lowing: One set of Fuller's works, one dozen of the Psalm- ist, one bolt of dark calico, ten Ibs. of saleratus, one hat, one tin reflector for baking bread, fifteen yds. of red flannel and twenty yds. of canton flannel.