residence is Clatsop Plains, the community of Astoria as yet being too small to justify my fixing my location there. My post office is Astoria.
I have labored 28 weeks since my last report, preached 37 sermons, delivered two temperance lectures, attended 24 prayer meetings, visited religiously 96 families and individu- als, visited five common schools, obtained 22 signatures to the temperance pledge, baptized none, assisted in the con- stitution of the Clatsop church, no ordination, traveled, to and from my appointments 611 miles, seven persons were re- ceived by letter into the constitution of the church and one to the Santiam church. By experience none.
We know of no conversions since about the time of our last report. About that time three were hopefully converted. No young men preparing for the ministry. Monthly concert of prayer is observed at one of my stations. My people have paid during this period nothing for home missions, domestic missions, foreign missions, Bible or any other benevolent societies ; for my salary $12. Have so far advanced in our school house that we have a comfortable place for worship. Connected with my stations are two Sunday schools, ten teachers and 40 scholars, 125 volumes in each library. Bible class part of the time in the school ; six scholars. I wrote in my last informing you of an interesting state of religious feeling with several of our citizens. I sanguinely hoped dur- ing the months of March, April and May that we should have the satisfaction of administering the ordinance of bap- tism to three or four men, but soon the Cayuse war called off one young man, and in a few weeks two others who gave evidence of change being wrought in them removed to the Willamette Valley and the favorable omens passed off with- out any in-gatherings to the church. Our congregations, however, have generally been good for the amount of popu- lation. Our Sunday schools have been very uniform and our children appear unusually interested.