were received on the 5th inst. by the Hudson Bay Company's brig Mary Dare, together with 13 boxes marked with a dia- mond and numbered 1 to 10 and A, B and D. I think the box marked "C" was shipped direct to Br. Johnson from Honolulu. Your letters cheered our spirits and the goods and books were most welcome messengers.
Beside the above named letters, I have received from you since I left Rock Island, April 12th, 1845, the following let- ters; one bearing dates Jan. 19th, and 24th, 1846, one com- mission No. 1081, April 1st, 1846, one letter Oct. 26th, 1846, and one 31st and November 13th, 1846, and one commission, No. 1170, April 1st, 1847.
I wrote you about the 15th of July, 1847, by the ship Bru- tus, to the care of Elder Gary, who assured me he would de- liver the letters in person; I next wrote you about the 1st of November, 1847, by the bark Whiton, Capt. Gelston, in both which I think I gave you a brief report of labors. I wrote again on the 8th of March, 1848, and reported labor from Nov. 1, 1847, to March 8th, 1848. These three sheets were forwarded by last spring's return party overland. I then reported nineteen weeks, preached twenty sermons, at- tended our prayer meetings, two religious conferences, pre- paratory to the constitution of a church, visited 40 families and individuals, two common schools, traveled 147 miles, one young married brother a licensed preacher in my field ; monthly concert of prayer is observed; $14 paid for my sal- ary; two Sabbath schools, 42 scholars, 10 teachers, one school, 100 volumes in the library ; the other 20 vols. I have one Bible class of eight members. We were then about to be constituted in a few days in Clatsop Plains. Had been en- gaged in building a hewed log school house 18 feet by 24 for "the purpose of school and public worship on the Sab. I had spent two weeks in that work.
I will now proceed to report from March 8th, 1848, to Sept. 19th, 1848. My field comprises Clatsop Plains and Astoria. I statedly supply two stations in these plains. My place of