Secretary of Union State Conven- tion, 47. Secession Sentiment in Oregon, organi- zation of, 22. SHIVELY, JOHN M., appointed postmast- er at Astoria, 357. SIMPSON, SIR GEORGE, letter of, 382-3. SLACUM'S REPORT ON OREGON, 1836-7, 175-224. SLACUM visit to Oregon, reasons President Jackson had for requesting, 175; summary of what Slacum ac- complished, 176-7; letter of instruc- tions received, 180-1; political and statistical data on conditions in Ore- gon, 1836-7, 186-91; report of condi- tions at missions, 192-5; his interven- tion causing the abandonment of dis- tillery enterprise, 195-6; Indian sta- tistics, 200-2. Slavery, Indian, in Oregon, 191-2. Slavery as dominant issue in Oregon politics, 66. Southern immigrants in Oregon, 46; affect political situation, 51 ; cause democratic victory, 1868, 64-5. Spalding letters, 1836, 371-9. Star mail routes, 362. Statesman, Oregon, attitude of, toward administration at opening of war, 16-7; attitude changes to one of hos- tility, 17-20; attempts political read- justment after death of Lincoln, 38- 9; opposes negro suffrage, 44; at- tempts a "middle of the road" atti- tude, 53-5. Telegraph line, construction of, from Portland to San Francisco begun, in rSss, 359-60; connection between California and Portland not com- pleted until March 5, 1864, 360. TRANSMISSION OF INTELLIGENCE IN EARLY DAYS IN OREGON, 347-362. T'VAULT, WILLIAM G., Postmaster Gen- eral of Oregon, 352; postmaster at Oregon City, 357. Union League in Oregon, 23-6. Union party as substitute for Republi- can in Oregon, 27-8; Union state convention, 1864, 29; Union state convention, 1866, 47; adopts plat- form of glittering generalities, 47-8; becomes radical, 51-4; name dis- carded for "Republican," 59-60. V Viva Voce ballot law, repeal of, sup- ported by democratic members but law upheld by Union members, 35. Virginia and Kentucky resolutions adopted as first plank in democratic platform and made center of attack by Union party, 31-3. w Walnuts, black, first in Oregon, 285-6. WHITE, DR. ELIJAH, and immigration of 1842, 106. Whitman massacre, the, 136-7. Whitman missionary enterprise, Fiske's original version of, in Astoria ad- dress, 1892, 162-5; revised version of, 165-74. Whitman's winter trip to secure retrac- tion of order for withdrawal of mis- sionaries, 351. Whitman-Spalding-Eells mission ordered contracted by prudential committee of mission board, Feb. 23, 1842, 350. WILKES, COMMANDER, on advisability of proceeding to political organiza- tion, 103-4. Willamette or Oregon Cattle Company, Slacum's account of, 196-8; articles of agreement pertaining to, 208-9. Willamette Valley, first settlers in, 92- 3 : American settlers in, prior to 1841, 93-7. WILLIAMS, CJEORGE H., elected to United States Senate, 34; character- ization of, by Deady, 34-5. "Wolf meeting," the, 109. WORK, JOHN, JOURNAL OF, COVERING SNAKE COUNTRY EXPEDITION, 1830-1; 363-71- YOUNG, EWING, and Carmichael dis- tillery project, documents relating to, 211-3. [393]