and deepened; that since the end of February, when the ship Louisiana was first taken out by Captain Charles White, our Pilot, among nearly a hundred vessels which have crossed the bar in entering or going out, not more than ten have passed through the old channel or near to Pacific City ; that only one vessel ever voluntarily stopped at that port, and that even she came in at the South Channel. Your Memorialists further show that to all vessels ascending or descending the river a saving of some miles in actual distance is effected by the present route, as well as of time and peril; that vessels of any size which navigate our waters can enter by the south channel to Astoria; that the U. S. Steam Ship Massachusetts, the Sloop of War Falmouth, the Pacific Mail Steamers Carolina & California, have all passed it without detention or danger. And Your Memorialists further show that the petition for a change of the Port of Entry does not come from the people of Oregon or express their sentiment, nor does it further the interests of commerce ; that it is solely the offspring of specu- lators who are seeking to bolster up a fictitious town by the transfer of Government patronage from its natural seat. Your Memorialists finally show that a survey has recently been concluded of this port and harbor by the officers of the United States surveying schooner Ewing under Capt. Wm. P. Me Arthur, and also a reconnaissance by the joint Commission of Army & Navy officers attached to the United States Steamer Massachusetts, and they respectfully suggest that before any change is contemplated, those officers may be examined as to its propriety. And Your Memorialists will ever pray, etc. Dated at Astoria this 6th day of September, 1850.