V. THE CONFLICT ON THE FRONTIER. Cause of Seminole War 27 The U. S. army is ordered into Florida 28 Jackson takes Pensacola and St. Marks 30 His account of the capture of these forts 31 Calhoun condemns Jackson for this action 32 Jackson is protected by public opinion 33 Calhoun's War policy 33 Treaty for annexation of Florida 34 Action of Congress 34 VI. CALHOUN AS CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT. Calhoun becomes a candidate in 1822 36 Party divisions 37 Compared with other candidates 37 Factions of the different candidates, in the Cabinet and House of Representatives 39 Relation between the attacks on Calhoun and his candidacy 40 Newspaper partisanship 41 Nomination of Calhoun 41 Calhoun's strength as candidate for President and then for Vice- President 42 Final Election . . 43 VII. JOHN C. CALHOUN. Calhoun's personality 44 Social position in Washington 45 Mental qualities 45 Characteristics as a public official 46 Criticisms of Calhoun 48 Calhoun's explanation of his own political views 48 Attitude on Slavery 50 1