I. INTRODUCTION. Calhoun becomes Secretary of War in 1817 1 Calhoun's work as a Congressman 2 Favors a national tariff in 1810 3 Advocates internal improvements 4 Characterizations of Calhoun as a Congressman 5 Outline of work as Secretary of War 7 II. ADMINISTRATION AND REDUCTION OF THE ARMY. Centralization and Economy in the War Department 8 Lack of public revenue a cause for economy 9 Calhoun's argument against the reduction of the army 10 Argument by Mr. Williams, a member of Congress, in favor of reduction 11 Criticisms of Calhoun's report 12 Congressional action against military appropriations 13 Comparative annual expenses of the army 14 III. FORTIFICATIONS AND INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. Bonus Bill speech compared with report of 1819 15 Congressional opposition to the building of forts 16 Report on Fortifications 17 The Mix or Rip Rap Contract 18 IV. ADMINISTRATION OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. Rapid settlement of the West . . 21 Change in system of Indian trade 21 Calhoun's report on this change 22 System of forts planned by Calhoun 23 Attitude of Congress toward Indian Appropriations 24 Plans for Indian colonization, West of the Mississippi 24