The undersigned are not members of the Oregon Temper- ance Society, but concur in urging the foregoing request. PIERRE DEPAU A. ERQUETTE, JOHN BAPTISTE PERROULT GEORGE GAY P. BILLIQUE CHARLES SCHEGTE WILLIAM CARMING T. J. HUBBARD - $8.00 Messrs. YOUNG & CARMICHAEL. NOTE. T. J. Hubbard has since joined the temperance society. D. WALLAMETTE, January 13, 1837. GENTLEMEN : Having taken into consideration your request to abolish our enterprise in manufacturing ardent spirits, we therefore do agree to stop our proceedings for the present. But, gentlemen, the reasons for our first beginning such an undertaking were the innumerable difficulties and tyrannizing oppression of the Hudson Bay Company here, under the abso- lute authority of Dr. John McLaughlin, who has treated us with more disdain than any American citizen of feeling can support. But as there are now some favorable circumstances occurred that we can get along without making spiritous liquors, we resolve to stop the manufacturing of it for the present. p. $. Gentlemen, we do not feel it consistent with our feel- ings to receive any recompense whatever for our expenditure, but we are thankful to the society for their offer. We remain, etc., yours, YOUNG & CARMICHAEL.