Resolved, thirdly, That a committee of one be appointed to make known the views of this society, and present our request to Messrs. Young and Carmichael. Resolved, fourthly, That we, the undersigned, will pay the sums severally affixed to our names to Messrs. Young and Carmichael, on or before the 31st day of March, 1837, the better to enable them to give up their enterprise. Resolved, fifthly, That the inhabitants of this settlement who are not attached to this society shall be invited to affix their names to this request, and to give what they feel free to give for the promotion of this object. JOSEPH GERVAIS - $8.00 XAVIER LA DESCOSTE 6 bushels of wheat DESPORTS MACKAY 8.00 JOHN HORD - 4.00 JOHN TURNER - 4.00 CALVIN TIBBETS WINSLOW ANDERSON CHARLES PLANTE - 6 bushels of wheat CHARLES RONDEAU JOSEPH DE LOR - 4.00 CHARLES ROE - 4.00 S. H. SMITH - 4.00 JAMES O'NEIL - 6.00 WEBLEY J. HAWKHURST - 5.00 ANDRES PECOR LOUIS FORCIA ELISHA EZEKIEL ETTIENNE LUCIA The undersigned jointly promise to pay the balance, be the same more or less. JASON LEE DANIEL LEE CYRUS SHEPPARD P. S. EDWARDS