panying us themselves or furnishing the means of purchasing cattle in California. 2d. We agree to contribute funds according to our means, making a common stock concern, subject to the following con- ditions: The expenses of all those who go to California are to be borne by the company, calculating the time so employed at the rate of twenty dollars per month ; provisions likewise to be paid by the company. 3d. The wages of the men thus employed are to be cal- culated as so much money, and each one is to be credited ac- cordingly ; and each and every member of the company shall have his portion of the cattle which may arrive safely at the Wallamette, there to be divided agreeably to capital and wages employed in the enterprise. 4th. All those who go for the purpose aforesaid, to Cali- fornia, hereby bind themselves to return to the Wallamette with the cattle, and to use their best endeavors to protect the same. 5th. We hereby agree that Ewing Young shall be leader of the party, and P. L. Edwards, treasurer, and that they shall be joint purchasers of the cattle. 6th. If any man desert the, company in California, he shall forfeit all wages which he may have earned. If, after the arrival of the party in California, any man shall choose to labor for his personal benefit, he shall have liberty to do so; provided that he shall be bound to invest the proceeds of his labor in the common stock, and he shall not enter into any engagements which shall prevent him from leaving when re- quired ; but such person shall not be entitled to any remunera- tion from the company for the time so employed. EWING YOUNG, his P. L. EDWARDS, JOHN x TURNER, JAMES A. O'NEAL, mark. WEBLEY J. HAWKHURST, his CALVIN TIBBETTS, PIERRE x DEPAU, LAWRENCE CARMICHAEL, mark.