to this Government. For this purpose it is recommended that you should whilst employed on this service, keep a journal, in which to note down whatever may strike you as worthy of observation, and by the, aid of which you will be enabled, when the journey is completed, to make a full and accurate report to this department of all the information you may have col- lected in regard to the country and its inhabitants. Your necessary and reasonable travelling expenses will be paid from the beginning of your journey from the coast of the Pacific to the Columbia river,, and till your return to this city. Vouchers, in all cases where it may be practicable to get them, will be required in the settlement of your account at the Treasury Department. I am, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN FORSYTH. WILLIAM A. SLACUM, ESQ. B AMERICAN BRIG LORIOT, OFF SAN BLAS, March 26, 1837. SIR: My letters from Guaymas, Mazatlan, and San Bias, up to the 10th of October Iast 4 will have acquainted you with the difficulties I encountered in endeavoring to get to the Columbia river by the route along the seacoast from Lower California, and also of my intention to proceed to the Sandwich islands to purchase a vessel to take me into the Columbia. From information I received at Oahu, I considered it neces- sary to have a vessel under my entire control, in order to be independent of the Hudson Bay Company, (who have abso- lute authority over the inhabitants on either side of the river, and from whom alone the commonest wants or supplies could be procured;) at the same time to have a shelter under the flag of my country, from whence I might hold communica- tions with the Indians and whites, and obtain the information required in the "Instructions" I had the honor to receive from the Department of State, of November 11, 1835. I have now