OF THE OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY No. 4, Vol. 8, Dbcembkk, mi. Frederick V. Holman—ADDUESS at the Dedication of the Mc- I.oiiGHi^iN Institute at Okbgon City, October 6, ]J)07 - - 303-315 George H. Ilimes— HISTORY of Organization of Oregon State Agricultural. Society 317-352 T. W. i)avenpor«— Recollections of an Indian Agent. IV. - - 851^374 F. W. PotfeZ/?— Bibliography of Hall J. Kelley 375-386 Documents- Diary of Asahel Hunger and Wife 387-405 Notes and Reviews 4(Xi-409 Accessions 410-424 Index - - 426-428 No. 1, Vol. y, March, 1908. William D. Fc lUon—KTtw AKJ) DICKINSON Baker -'2P> O. F. Stafford— TniE. Wax of Nbhalem Beach 24-41 Marie Merriman Bradiep — FoijITIcatu Beginnings in Oregon. The Pekioij of the Provisional Government, 1839-1849 - - - 42-72 John Mtntu—FKOU Youth to Age as an American, i. - - . . 73--78. Frederic G. Fownfl'— Columbia River Im provement and the Pacific Northwest 79-94 Notes and News - - 95-101 No. 2, Vol. 9, Juke, J908. T. C. Elliott— ' Doctor Robert Newell: Pioneer . . . . ia3-126 John Minto— From Youth to Age as an American. II. - - - - 127-172 Walter C. ^TinsiEoiy— Contests Over the Capital of Oregon - - 173-178 Mrs. 8. A. Long— Mrs. Jesse Applegate i79-183^ Notes and News - 184-188 No. 3, Vol. 9, Septembeh, UX)8. T. W. Davenport— Hi. Ay KRY Question in Oregon - - - - - l89-25a George H. TT/Z^iam^— Slavery in Ojiegon 254-273 Irene Lincoln Poppleton-ORKGoa's First Monopoly— The O. S. N. Co. 274-304 Document— Subscription List for Railroad Survey - - - 305-307 Notes - - - - . 308. PRICE: FJFIY CENTS PER Nl MBER, TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR.