OF THB OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY No. 3, Vol. 8, September, 1907. Thwnas M. Anderson— T^-E Vancouver Reservation Case - - 2l9-2f?0 T. W. jDfflvenpori— Recollections of an Indian Agent. Ill - - 231-2tj4 Jennie B. Harris— Thjs. Historic Sites in Eugenk and Their Monu- ments 265-272 F. G. Young -TiTE, Marking of Historic Sites 273-275 dlyde B. Aitchtson—TuK Mormon Settlements in the Missouri Valley 27«-289 Documents- Occupation OF THE Columbia River. II. Report of April ]5, 1824 290-294 Letter of Dr. John McLoughlin to Oregon Statesman, JUNE 8, 1852 - 294-299 Reviews— Mrs. Elizabeth Z<o7-d— Reminiscences OF Eastern Oregon. J. R. Wilson 300 Edmond S. Jfeani/— Vancouver's Discovery of Puget Sound - 300 No. 4, Vol. 8, December, 1907. Frederick V. i3b;?n«n— Address at the Dedication of the Mc- Loughlin Institute at Oregon City, October 6, 1907 - - 303-316 Oeorge H. J?5i???e5— History of Organization of Oregon State Agricultural Society 317-352 T. W. Z)ave?ipor^— Recollections of an Indian Agent. IV. - - 353-374 F. W. Pot^eZ?— Bibliography of Hall J. Kelley 375-386 Documents- Diary of Asahel Munger and Wife 387-405 Notes and Reviews 406-4^9 Accessions 410-424 Index . - 425-429, No. 1, Vol. 9, March, 1908. William D. i^enif on— Edward Dickinson Baker - - - - - 1-23 O. F. Stnfford—T'H.^ Wax of Nbhalem Beach 24-41 Marie Merriman ^r«d?e.?/ — Political Beginnings in Oregon. The Period of the PRoyisioNAL Government, lh!30-l849 - - - 42-72 John Mintn—FvLoyi Youth to Age as an American. I. - - - - 73-78 Frederic G. Fown^/— Columbia River Improvement and the Pacific Northwest - 79-94 Notes and News - - 95-101 No. 2, Vol. 9, June, 1908. T. C. Elliott—' Doctor " Robert Newell : Pioneer . - - - 103-126 John Minto— From. Youth to Age as an American. II. - - - - 127-172 Walter C. TTm^Zot^;- Contests Over the Capital of Oregon - - 173-178 3Irs. S. A . Long— Mrs. Jesse Applegate; 179-183 Notes and News 184-188 PRICE: FIFTY CENTS PER NUMBER, TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR.