307 Names. Wm. H. Merriman Haskell Amy Alexander French Merit Bellinger James Thornton Woodford Eeames E. K. Anderson D. P. Anderson Joshua Patterson D. P. Brittain I. V. Amerman Amount subscribed. 20 bushels of wheat, at Allen's mill. 20 bushels of wheat, at Allen's mill. 20 bushels of wheat, at Foudray's mill. 10 bushels of wheat, at Foudray's mill. (The five last subscriptions settled by nota.) 40 bushels of wheat, delivered at Phoenix Mill. (Paid by note.) 20 bushels of wheat, delivered at the Phoenix Mill (Paid by note.) 30 bushels of wheat at Phoenix. 10 bushels of wheat, at Phoenix. 5 bushels of wheat, at Phoenix, 5 bushels of wheat, at Phoenix Mill. (The last four subscriptions paid by note.) $15.00 (Paid— $10.00 in coin and $5.00 in greenbacks.)