Irene Lincoln Poppleton.
Amend Article number three (3) so as to include the navigation by steam or otherwise of all navigable waters, sea and inland, wherever it may be deemed expedient. Also the constructing, purchasing and operating the telegraph lines, and so far as may be found lawful, the constructing, purchasing and operating of railroads and other roads.
Amend Article number five (5) so as to increase the capital stock to five millions of dollars.
Amend Article number six (6) to make the shares of the value of $100.00 instead of $500.00.
Now, Therefore, We, J. C. Ainsworth, E. E, Thompson, S. G. Reed and W. S. Ladd, directors of the said incorporation, by virtue of the resolution of the said stockholders, in pursuance of the authority therein and under the laws of this State conferred, do hereby make and establish the following Supplementary Articles of the said incorporation:
Article numbered 3 shall read as follows:
The object of this incorporation and the business in which it proposes to engage is the navigation by steam or otherwise of the Columbia River and its tributaries, and all other navigable waters, sea and inland, wherever it may be deemed expedient to construct, purchase, maintain and operate any railroads or roads, macadamized road or roads, plank roads, canals or bridges for the purpose of transporting freight or passengers across any portages on the line of navigation upon any stream or other water which the said corporation may be navigating; also, such other railroads and other roads as under the laws of this State, said incorporation may lawfully engage or be interested in; also, to construct, purchase, maintain or operate telegraph lines wherever it may be deemed expedient and to charge and collect such tolls, fare or freight on all roads, boats or vessels or means of conveyance or transportation as may be owned, chartered or controlled in whole or in part by the said corporation, and such rates for the use of the telegraph lines of said corporation or for the transmission thereon of telegraphic messages as shall be deemed expedient—and to purchase and own all lands, lots, wharves, boats and vessels and all real and personal property of every name and nature that may be