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THE GRADUATE SCHOOL confers the degrees of Master of Arts, ( and in prospect, of Doctor of Phi- losophy,) Civil and Sanitarjr Engineer ( C. E.J, Elec- trical Engineer (E. E.J, Chemical Engineer ( Ch. E.,) and Mining Engineer (Min. E.) THE COLLEGE Oh LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS confers the degree of Bachelor of Arts on graduates from the foUoiving groups: (I) General Classical; (2) General Literarjr; (3) General Scien- ti£c; (4) Civic-Historical; (5) Philosophical, Edu- cational. It offers Collegiate Courses not leading to a degree as follows: (1) Preparatory- to Law or Tournalism. THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING.— A. — The School of Applied Science confers the de- gree of Bachelor of Science on graduates from the following groups ; (1) General Science; (2) Chemistrjr; '(3) Phj^sics; (4) Biology; (5) Geol- ogy and MineralogY' It offers a Course Pre- paratory to Medicine. B. — The School of Engineering: (1) Civil and San- itary^; (2) Electrical; (3) Chemical. THE SCHOOL OF MINES AND MINING: THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE at Portland. THE SCHOOL OF LAW at Portland. THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Address The President, Eugene, Oregon.

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