OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY No. 1, Vol. 8, March, 1907. T. W. Davenport— Recot.lectioxs of ax Indian Agent . . . - i_4i Will J. Trimble— A. Soldier of the Oregon Frontier . - - . 42-50 Documents- Occupation OF THE Columbia River — Floyd's Report of Jan- uary 25, 1821 L . . . . 5i_75 Letters of Abraham Lincoln to SImeon Francis, 1860, and of Geo. E. Pickett to Reuben F. Maury, 1861 76-78 Motes andNews 79-88 The Prefatory Note to the Nesmith Diary S4 accessions 85-94 No. 2, Vol. 8, June, 1907. T. W. Z)ai'eHi>or^— Recollections of an Indian Agent. II. - - 95-128 F. G. Fownp'- Financial History of Oregon — Finances of the Territorial Period, 1849-1.859 129-190 Thomas W. P>-osc/i— Notes from a Government Document on Ore- gon Conditions in the Fifties 191-200 Two OF Oregon's Foremost Commonwealth Builders: Judge Reuben Patrick Boise and Professor Thomas Condon - 201-218 No. 3, Vol. 8, September, 1907. Thomas M. Anderson— Vancouver Reservation Case - - 219-230 T. W. i)ayenpor<— Recollections of an Indian Agent. Ill - - 231-264 Jeymie B. Harris— Ts^E Historic Sites in Eugene and Their Monu- ments - 265-272 F. G. Fowngr— The Marking of Historic Sites 273-275 Clyde B. Aitchison-T-KK Mormon Settlements in the Missouri Valley : 276-289 Documents- Occupation OF THE Columbia River. II. Report of April 15, 1824 290-294 Letter of Dr. John McLoughlin to Oregon States3ian, JUNE 8, 1852 294-299 Reviews— Mrs. Elizabeth Lord — Reminiscences of Eastern Oregon. J. R. Wilson 300 Edmond S. Jlfea?i2/— Vancouver's Discovery of Puget Sound - 300 No. 4, Vol. 8, December, 1907. Frederick V. ^o/>nan— Address at the Dedication of the Mc- Loughlin Institute at Oregon City, October 6. 1907 George H. jHimes- History of Organization of Oregon State Agricultural Society 317-352 T. W. Z>ave7ipor<— Recollections of an Indian Agent. IV. - - 353-374 F. W. PoweH— Bibliography of Hall J. Kelley j 375-386 D O C U 3t E X S Diary of Asahel Munger and Wife ;W-405 Notes and Reviews 406-409 Accessions 410-424 Index 4'25-429 PRITE: FIFTY CENTS PER NUMBER, TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR.