Notes and News.
has received many very favorable reviews from papers, magazines, and periodicals in different parts of the United States. Many of these reviews are quite long. It would take up too much space to go into details of the different favorable reviews. Excerpts follow from some of these reviews;
The review in the Washington Historical Quarterly was by William A. Morris. He said:
"In writing this work the author has produced what has long been needed, namely, a narrative of the life of the benefactor and great overtowering figure of the Pacific Northwest. * * * The despotic power which he [McLoughlin] exercised within this whole region forms an interesting part of the work which the author has ably treated. * * * As proofs of Mr. Holman's thesis that the rule of McLoughlin was 'beneficent' despotism, his suppression of the liquor traffic among whites as well as Indians, and his stern reproof of the redmen when they uttered threats against those whose prosperity meant his ruin, are convincing. * * * It constitutes a valuable historical biography."
The Catholic University Bulletin is published at Washington, D. C. It is the official magazine of the Catholic University. A very long review of this book is given by Rev. Edwin V. O'Hara. He said:
"This excellent monograph is the only complete and critical study of the life of McLoughlin which has appeared. It is supplemented by a number of documents of great historical interest, some of which have not been published before. Those interested in knowing more of McLoughlin, of the details of his career in Oregon, and of the unfair treatment of him, should read this monograph."
The San Francisco Argonaut:
"The personal as well as the severely historic elements of Doctor McLoughlin's story are completely developed in a narrative of absorbing interest to all who have given any attention to the beginnings of organized life in our Pacific Northwest, and the book is well worth reading by all to whom picturesque and heroic periods of history make appeal. It should have a place in every collection which assumes to gather together the essential historical records of the Pacific Coast States."