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399 |||S Si ferring to the group near the Oregon-California line, part of which is popularly referred to as the Siskiyou Moun- tains. The Coast Range of Oregon, is however, geologi- cally, quite independent both of the Cascade Range and of the Klamath Mountains, and its dividing line with the latter is near the Rogue River. Some writers interpose the Rogue River Mountains between the Coast Range and the Klamath Mountains. Dr. J. S . Diller of the U. S. Geological Survey has been studying this part of the state for many years, and his investigations are ably set forth in the U. S. G. S. Bulletins 196 and 546. The Coast Range is an irregular group of maturely dissected hills and peaks, and while the main divide is generally parallel to and about 30 miles from the coast, this divide is frequently not in line with the highest sum- mits. From the Columbia River south to Rogue River there are several important peaks. The U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey has published the elevations given below, but in a number of cases the determinations were made many years ago, and are subject to correction. PEAK Saddle Mountain Onion Peak Neahkahnie Mountain 1710 Mt. Hebo Euchre Mountain Bald Mountain Marys Peak . The style Coast Range has been officialy adopted by the U. S. Geographic Board. The Columbia River cuts the Coast Range to water level. The next stream to find its way through the Coast Range is the Nehalem, which pursues a winding course, first east, then north, and finally west and southwest until it reaches the ocean. In the northern part of the Altitude in Feet 3266 2775 in 1710 3153 2580 3230 4097 PEAK Table Mountain Grass Mountain Prairie Peak . Altitude in Feet 2852 3612 3437 Roman Nose Mountain (ByU.S.G.S.) Kenyon Mountain . Mt. Bolivar 2856 3266 4297 $11 If MM Ban ••*. '% '"' jjjijw

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