T. C. ELLIOTT @ Goods arrived @ all the Horses except one that was killed on the Spot in a bad part of the Road on the Port- age. July 11 finished the Canoe @ got in order to set off. Our sick Man was now so far recovered as to begin to work he had it seems in eating swallowed the Quill of a • Porcupine which had perforated the Intestines, till it made its appearance under the middle of the Ribs on the left Side from whence I extracted it two days ago. The Kootanae Lads we had sent huntg. not returning/, I was anxious lest some accident had befallen them. I therefore sent Mr. McDonald @ 2 Men in a small Canoe to look after them but they returned without havg. seen anything of them. The next day as we were ready to step into our Canoes, heard a shot below us, which we concluded to be fired by the Kootanae Lads; we went @ found them, they had killed a Red Deer; a small part of which half dried they had brought on their backs @ was a grateful Meal after 2 days fasting. From what has been said of the Road on the Portage, it is clearly seen that Jaco Finley with the Men engaged last Summer to clear the Portage Road, has done a mere nothing— the Road was no where cleared any more than just to permit Jaco @ his Family, to squeeze thro' it with their light Bag- gage and it is the opinion of every Man with me, as well as mine that Jaco Finley ought to lose at least half his wages for having so much neglected the Duty for which he was so expressly engaged at 150 £ pr. year, besides a Piece of Tobacco @ Sugar, @ a Clerk's equiptment. It could not be on acct. of Provisions, as they had always more than they could destroy. He had given in an acct. of having left Timbers for a Canoe, not one could be found, nor had he ever left one, as 2 of the Men, that were with him, & are now with me witnessed. As I had no Provisions for the Voyage, I offered the Men a Horse for Food, which they refused. Gave to each Man 1 fishing Lineof2fms@2Hooks. WithaManInowsetoffin a small Canoe, to hunt what Fortune might throw in my way. July 13 havg. killed 9 Swans I waited the Canoes,