He came to Oregon about 1876. Barton post office was
established May 16, 1896, with Mr. Burghardt first post- master.
BAR VIEW, Tillamook County. This community was named in 1884 by L. C . Smith. It is just north of the bar at the entrance to Tillamook Bay and affords a fine view of the bay, bar and ocean.
BASHAW CREEK, Marion County. This stream drains Ankeny Bottom in the extreme southwest part of the county and flows into the Willamette River. It was named for Joseph Bashaw who was born in France in 1820 and settled on the land October 1, 1851. The Land Office plat of this township indicates the spelling Bashan, but this is an error as the original application for the donation land claim is made out Bashaw.
BASKETT SLOUGH, Polk County. This slough origin- ates in the intermittent Boyle Lakes about two miles northwest of Rickreall. It flows eastward several miles and joins Mud Slough. It was named for George J. Baskett who was born in Kentucky in 1817 and who settled on a donation land claim near this slough in Octo- ber, 1850. Baskett spelled his name with two "t's" as indicated, and this style of name for this geographic feature has been officially adopted by the U. S. Geo- graphic Board.
BATES, Grant County. This post office is in the east- ern part of the county near Austin. It was named for Paul C. Bates, a well-known insurance man of Portland. Mr. Bates was instrumental in negotiating the purchase of timber lands by the Oregon Lumber Company ,and when that company began operations, it suggested the name of Bates for the post office. For biography of P. C. Bates, see Carey's History of Oregon, volume III, page 20.
BATTLE AXE, Marion County. This mountain is in the eastern end of the county on the western slopes of the Cascade Range, and has an elevation of 5547 feet.