Oregon Geographic Names
was abandoned in the fall of that year. Traces of the old line are still visible. Barnes Heights in Portland gets its name from the same source.
Barrett, Hood River County. Dr. P. G. Barrett settled in the Hood River Valley before 1875, and for many years was the only physician in the valley, and popular throughout the entire territory. He lived about three-quarters of a mile south of the site of Barrett School, and at one time all the west side of the Hood River Valley was known as the Barrett District. He died about 1889. Barrett Spur on the north side of Mt. Hood was also named for Dr. Barrett.
Barrett, Umatilla County. This is a station on the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company line just west of Milton. C. A. Barrett, a pioneer storck raiser of the county, owned land at this point and the station was named for him. For Mr. Barrett's reminiscences of pioneer and farming conditions in that section of Oregon, see Oregon Historical Society Quarterly, volume XVI, page 343.
Barstow, Multnomah County. This station on the Oregon Electric Railway, just east of Garden Home, was named for W. S. Barstow, of New York City, a prominent engineer and public utility operator, who was interested in the construction of the railway.
Bartlett, Wallowa County. This place was named for Theron A. Bartlett, who owned the land on which the post office was located. The office was established on May 14, 1904, and Mr. Bartlett was the first postmaster.
Barton, Clackamas County. This place was named for Barton, Wisconsin, by an old resident, E. H. Burghardt, who had formerly lived there. He settled near the mouth of Deep Creek and started a small flour mill and store, and later had the post office established with the name of his old home in the east. His daughter, Mrs. Anna Burghardt Davis, was living at Tangent, Oregon, in 1925. Her father was born in 1851 and died in 1912.