munity at the time and Mr. Cornish suggested the name
of Arlington because it was the home of General Robert E. Lee.
ARMIN, Wallowa County. Despite repeated efforts the author has been unable to secure information con- cerning the origin of this name.
ASH, Douglas County. This post office was estab- lished July 24, 1894, and the first postmaster was Charles L. Parker. The post office department asked for a short name and he suggested Ash as there were a quantity of those trees in the vicinity.
ASHLAND, Jackson County. Ashland was named by Abel D. Hellman, whose birthplace was Ashland County, Ohio. Matthew P. Deady is authority for the statement that the town was named in honor of Henry Clay's birth- place, which was near Ashland, Virginia (Deady letter in The Oregonian, May 13, 1884). Both explanations are probably correct. Hellman was born in 1824. The town in Oregon was named in 1852 (Walling's History of Southern Oregon). The post office was first called Ash- land Mills (letter of W. Beeson in The Oregonian, May 22, 1884, page 3). The flouring mill was built by Abel D. Hellman, John Hellman, Eber Emery, Jacob Emery and James Cardwell. Ashland Mills in 1855 is described by Thomas J. Dryer, ibid., June 23, T855; see also April 4, 1903. For notes on Ashland in 1855, ibid., February 2, 1885. The government bench mark in Lithia Park in Ashland has an elevation of 1950 feet.
ASHLAND PEAK, Jackson County. This mountain lies about eight miles due south of Ashland and was named for that community. It was at one time known as Siskiyou Peak. It is frequently referred to in southern Oregon as Mt. Ashland, but the government uses the form Ashland Peak. The elevation of Ashland Peak is 7535 feet, according to the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.
ASPEN LAKE, Klamath County. Aspen Lake is west