Flora Belle Ludington
the paper. A year later it was published by W. M. Hand who ran it until his death in 1881. In 1901 it merged with the Times and became the Times Mountaineer.
Dalles Republican. First issued as a weekly about 1870. Suspended in 1901.
Oregon American and Evangelican Unionist.—Eight numbers only were issued between June 7, 1848, and May 23, 1849. The famous Whitman mission press was used for this sixteen page magazine. Its prospectus defines its scope and interests:
"It is devoted to American principles and interests,— To evangelical religion and morals,—To general intelligence, foreign and domestic,—To temperance and moral instrumentalities generally,—To science, literature and the arts,—To commerce and internal improvements,— To agriculture and home manufactures,—To the description and development of our natural resources,—To the physical, intellectual and moral education of rising generations,—And such well defined discussions generally, as are calculated to elevate and dignify the character of a free people. Edited by Rev. J . S . Griffin and printed by C. F. Putnam. Issued every two weeks."
Much space was given to the accounts of the Whitman massacre that had occurred the preceding winter. These accounts caused much discussion pro and con of the causes leading up to it. After number seven the paper was suspended for some months, the editor stating that some one who objected to the editorials on the Whitman massacre had hired the printer to break his contract and go off to the mines. By May a new printer was secured and on May 23rd the eighth and last number was issued.
Columbia Press. Earlier name of the Umatilla Press.
Index. Later name of the Umatilla Press. Judge L. L . McArthur was the editor, but there was not suf-