Flora Belle Ludington
Oregon Sentinel, see Table Rock Sentinel.
Reveille. The Southern Oregon Press started publication under this name in September, 1867.
Southern Oregon Gazette. James O'Meara and Pomeroy took the plant of the Herald on August 14, 1861, and began publishing this intensely Democratic sheet. It was so bitter and disloyal to the government that in a few months it was refused the privilege of the U. S. mail and died a violent death.
Southern Oregon Press. Formerly the Oregon Reporter, but published under this title from January 5th until August 21, 1867. Continued by the Reveille.
Table Rock Sentinel. Started publication on November 24, 1855, with W. G. T'Vault as editor and proprietor, asserting that this paper was "Independent on all subjects and devoted to the best interests of Southern Oregon." Actually it was bluntly and flatly committed to Oregon Democracy and the Southern cause. T'Vault was sole owner until 1858 when he associated with W. G. Robinson and the name changed to the Oregon Sentinel. In the fall of 1859 the paper came into the hands of James O'Meara, editor, and W. B. Treanor, owner, the latter retiring in less than a year, and O'Meara abandoning it in May, 1861. Under the O'Meara regime the sentiments of the paper were so radical at times that loyal citizens refused it patronage. Henry Denlinger and William H. Hand took over the paper from O'Meara, Hand retiring January 25, 1862, leaving Denlinger as sole owner. The paper now became uncompromisingly a Union paper with Orange Jacobs as editor. In July, 1864, it passed over to S. F. McDowell who owned it for fourteen years, employing various Republican editors.
Reveille. Noted in the Daily Evening Bulletin of July 23, 1868.