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Flora Belle Ludington

position to the conduct of the war. Malone then went to Corvallis where he continued his fight against Bush and the Statesman thru the agency of the Union.

Publication was again allowed in February, 1863, under the name of the Oregon State Democrat, with James O'Meara as editor. This journal must have been soon suppressed for O'Meara is found as reviving the Eugene Register in May of the same year.

The paper was published again August 1, 1865, when O'Meara established the States Rights Democrat. In July, 1866, the publication was taken over by H. M. Abbott, Mart V. Brown and John Travers, with the latter retiring in December. During this winter, 1866-67, Spalding's recollections of the Whitman Mission occupied a prominent place in the paper. In May, 1869, Abbott went to Eastern Oregon to establish the Bedrock Democrat, selling his interest to C. B. Bellinger. Bellinger left the firm July 22, 1870, to go to Portland to practice law. Later gentlemen connected with the paper were C. H. Stewart, T. J. Stites and F. P. Nutting. This journal is still being published.

States Rights Democrat see Oregon Democrat.

Register. Established by Collins Van Cleve, as editor and publisher, September 12, 1868, using the material of the old Albany Journal. Republican in politics.


Marine Gazette. A weekly Republican paper started by H. R. Kincaid in August, 1864. W. W . Parker became editor in the next August. W. L. Adams, the vitriolic editor of the Argus, was associated with the Marine Gazette when he was living in Astoria, having been appointed as collector of customs by the Lincoln administration. The Gazette used the type first provided for the Spectator and printed in its pages Gray's History of Oregon.

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