Mary Barlow Wilkins
piece of land to Governor Walter M. Pierce, who accepted it graciously for the State of Oregon; the flags encircling the two tablets were unveiled by Frank A. Gaines, of Mississippi, a grandson, and by Vernice Barlow, a great granddaughter, and Madelon Brodie, Virginia and Susannah Harding, great-great grandaughters of S. K . Barlow and wife; Mrs. Seymour Jones, state regent of the Oregon Daughters of the American Revolution, led in the salute to the flag which was unfurled to the breeze from the top of the monument; Mrs. Neita Barlow Lawrence, granddaughter, and Mrs. Imogen Harding Brodie, a great granddaughter, led in singing "America" and "The Star Spangled Banner;" Mrs. Octave J. Goffin, regent of Multnomah Chapter, D. A. R., of Portland, spoke on "A real Daughter of an American Soldier;" Mr. William Williamson, of the Forest Bureau Service, spoke of the plan to perpetuate the Barlow road, by marking every place where the old road intersected the now famous Mt. Hood Loop Highway; and Mrs. Jennie Barlow Harding and Mary Barlow Wilkins gave a sketch of Susannah Lee Barlow and expressed the appreciation of the eighty living descendants of the original family, to the great organizations and to all present, whose interest had led to this testimonial to the name and service of Samuel Kibrough Barlow and Susannah Lee Barlow.