Charles Henry Carey in reference to the prospects of benefitting the Indians of this territory. They are not so numerous as was ex- pected, and are more migratory than was expected. And these improper views have led the Board to too high hopes of their situation as a people. Second, these mistaken views have led the Board into too heavy appropriations of missionaries and persons. Thirdly, They seriously fear the missionary work here is more secular than it ought to be to benefit essen- tially the benighted and destitute of these ends of the earth. Fourth : They have long been afflicted that they have so little information concerning this mission in detailed particulars, concerning its fiscal and spiritual condition and interests. Fifthly : They, the Board, purpose in my visit to the mission to learn how the mission stands in reference to its pecuniary affairs, and especially its moral and re- ligious character and spiritual influence upon community in general and upon the Indians in particular. Sixthly. They are under the necessity of retrench- ment. Their finances are low, have long been seriously embarassed with debts, and though they have made vari- ous efforts to cancel their debts, as yet the debts are lessened but little. One of two things must follow; a riper field for harvest in the moral vineyard must present itself to wake up the missionary zeal and action of the church at home, or the appropriations must be much les- sened, they are driven by necessity to the latter. Seventhly. We cannot draw for any more from their funds than they authorize; in so doing I am sure we should betray our trust and jeopardize our character. We have been authorized to draw for five thousand dollars, but as a number have left our field, we must make a deduction in proportion. Further than this I cannot go. You know the income from the various re- sources in this country put this with the amount for