Charles Henry Carey self to our view; several kinds of birds were about us also; one passed the night on the ship, I mean on some of the timber provided for elevating the boats. It left this morning without any apparent thankfulness. It is nearly a calm ; we desire to be patient, confiding in the wisdom and goodness of divine Providence. Tuesday, 21. Three weeks today since we left Baker. We are highly pleased with our situation, so far as cap- tain and company are concerned. We have a brisk wind this morning; are progressing most finely, and such is the action or motion of the ship Mr. "Bilge" smells as though he had "broke wind." Wednesday, 22. Our wind continues very favorable. The greatest appearance of "squally times" on board the ship we have seen. One man I see seated alone by him- self, as upon the stool of penitence or punishment. I hear he used profane and disrespectful language last night to one of the mates. He has a silent, quiet time to reflect upon it. So far, I am led to think Capt. Fisher governs the ship's company admirably. P. M. The above note I made before noon. About two this afternoon, the captain spoke to me requesting Mrs. Gary and myself to go into the cabin ; as he wished to talk to his men about the insubordination of last night; he stated to them, the man who abused the mate last night must make an acknowledgment to said mate, or be flog- ged. Ten or twelve of the forecastle men presented them- selves in an attitude which indicated a disposition to in- terfere with the government of the ship. The captain prepared himself by arming himself and his officers with loaded guns, pistols, knives, etc., and at about four went upon deck, prepared for the times however they might appear. In a very short time, the offending man made the required confession, and was released (he having been tied previously up). But there still appears among a few of the crew an insubordinate spirit. My confi- dence in the captain is increasing. It is my opinion, he