Diary of Rev. George Gary—IV
they were full, but they talked the subject over of taking us, and would be glad to accommodate us. I told him if they could and would make room for us, by selling twenty barrels of oil, I would pay the difference in the price between this market and that of New Bedford, which would be about $100. When he went away, Mr. Damon went with him; and in a little while Mr. Damon returned saying he had been to the ship and seen the officers; they had concluded if we would give to the officers of said ship $100 they would discommode themselves so as to give us the occupancy of the captain's state room and they would give up their rooms to the captain. Mr. Damon and his wife, Mrs. Gary and myself go immediately to the Wm. Hamilton and see the ship, state room &c, the captain and officers, and the arrangements are readily made for our passage to the States in said ship. It is to be submitted to the owners, when we arrive, what more we shall pay for our passage. Mr. Damon and the members of the mission all judged it safe to be left in this manner. We are to lay in some stores as an outfit. Expenses at this place, outfit, &c.
To Capt. Adams for board while in port | $10.00 |
Fruit and washing | 3.50 |
To the officers of Wm. Hamilton | 100.00 |
Copper bucket 8.00, Two boxes of crackers | 15.00 |
Pickles and ginger preserves | 3.75 |
Tea $6, soups $2.25, water filter $8.00 | 16.25 |
Raisins $4.50, prunes $2.00, To Mr. Damon for attention and favor $20 | 26.50 |
Saturday, 28. We are enjoying our prospect of sailing soon very much indeed; to be on our way homeward is pleasing indeed; and we are willing to venture a change in vessels, in view of a change in our captain, officers, crew, &c.
Sunday, 29. In the morning of this day we attend the service among the natives; afternoon "Bethel"; in the evening, I preach in the "Bethel" chapel.