Charles Henry Carey mond and Judson and families, and at half past three p. m. (our pilot being on board) our anchor is hoisted, and we are on the way to Baker's Bay. This note I made too soon, for after hoisting our main anchor, and fussing away a great while, with our kedge anchor to get it up, the day is far spent the pilot concluded to cast the main anchor again and wait for another day. Wednesday, 28. This afternoon, in ebb tide, we make our way down to Baker's Bay; here to cast our anchor for the night. Thursday, 29. This morning, our sails are early set, our anchor hoisted; but the wind becoming very light, anchor is again cast, and we wait for a favorable time to pass over the bar of the Columbia into the ocean. The breakers on the bar appear fierce and formidable; we are in the hands of Providence. Friday, 30. Last evening, the barque Whitan ar- rived here. We are anchored close together, waiting the winds to take us to sea. The Whitan is bound for Cali- fornia. Mr. Buck, who owes the book agents in N. Y., says he will pay the debt soon as he can ; says he thinks he owes the agents at Cincinnati something also. Note for N. Y. debt left with Bro. Roberts. Saturday, 31. About four o'clock yesterday, the Barque Whitan began to show signs of preparing to go to sea; our captain (Adams) sent his boat in great haste for the pilot ; the pilot was brought ; sour and short words were passed between the captain and the pilot ; the pilot remained on the Brutus; the Whitan started out under the care of another (an irregular) pilot. She went out say a mile; the wind failed and with the returning tide she came back and is now anchored close by us. This morning, Captain Guston of the Whitan called on us; just as Capt. G. was coming on board, Capt. Adams went to his state room and did not show himself until Capt. G. had left (say an hour) ; both members of the M. E. C. and both members of the board of managers of the M. S.