Charles Henry Carey Saturday, 26. Camp-meeting commences. Say ten tents. Pretty large appearances for this land. Sunday, 27. From three hundred to three hundred and fifty persons present at the meeting. An excellent spirit prevails in the meeting. At evening, say five or six profess religion. A gracious session. Monday, 28. Start for the Falls; leave the meeting in a prosperous state. Tuesday, 29. Reach home about 3 p. m. Soon hear the missionaries have arrived at Portland about twelve miles below here. In an hour, perhaps, hear they are at Gov. Abernethy's, a mile from us. Hasten to see them. Am introduced to Bro. Roberts, 16 my successor, and here is also my old friend Bro. Wilber 17 and his family. Five times, indeed, the door is opening for our leaving this distant land. We have no letters in this arrival except one old one from Dr. Pitman of September 20th, 1846, and another from Bro. David of September 21st. These were picked up in California by some means by Bro. Roberts and a few papers accompanied the letters. The general expectation so far as I can learn was, we should leave last Fall. [1847] July 1, Thursday. We go down to Portland and engage a passage in the Brutus, Capt. Adams, to the Sandwich Islands, give a draft for $120 for our passage. Friday, 2. Return to the Falls. Sunday, 4. This day Bro. Roberts attends meeting at Portland, Bro. Wilbur and myself at the Falls. We now feel the work is in good and safe hands. Monday, 5. We are preparing to leave; these are delightful days to us. We see the door opening for our return to the States. Providence smiles upon us. Saturday, 10. We are very busy in preparing for our departure. Have made an arrangement to sail in the 16 Rev. William Roberts. 17 Rev. James H. Wilbur.