Diary of Rev. George Gary — IV
401 side of the Cascade Mountains in consequence of snow on said mountains. Wednesday, 26. We are having very dry weather. It is warm also. We are famishing for want of news. Sunday, 30. Mr. Cornwall, a Cumberland Presby- terian minister, is with us; he preaches at the afternoon appointment ; a good sermon ; I think he will be a bless- ing to this land. [1847] Tuesday, June 1. It is three years this day since we first set foot in this place ; these have been years of care, responsibility &c &c, especially the first year. Comparatively, they have been years of solitude, only two or three exceptions. These seasons of overflowing joy were when we received letters from our dear friends in the state of New York. But we have now been so long without such a gust of delight, it is hard work to keep the mind from gloom, even in this beautiful season of the year, and possibly, whenever letters come, they bring us painful tidings of the deranged and broken state of the circle of our friends. That fell destroyer of our race may have been permitted to lay his chilly hand upon some who are dear to us. The ways of Providence, are, how- ever, equal. Wednesday, 2. The thirsty earth is favored with a small rain. It is much needed. Thursday, 3. We are having a circumstance about or attending us quite new to us. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton are stopping with us a few weeks ; he has said and written (for the Spectator) such things about the southern or Applegate route as has provoked the road hunters so that his life is threatened and he is somewhat busy preparing to resist any attacks. A Bowie knife and a six shooting revolving pistol are among his habiliments. We are not in the community of New York or the eastern states. Our community is made up to a considerable degree of southern and western people, whose differences of opin- ion and insults of character are easily and readily settled