Diary of Rev. George Gary — IV
397 $376.03; D. Leslie, $339.02; total, $992.40. Time from May 1, 1847 to May 1, 1848. This is, in my opinion, rather too high. Sunday, 11. We have probably sixty persons in our meeting today. The congregation appears as though the quarterly meetings has left them in a serious state of mind. Monday, 12. Planted or sowed in our garden, onions, beets, carrots, and parsnips. Thursday, 15. Finished my letter to the board. This day I hand to Capt. Kilbourn a letter directed to G. Lane and C. B. Tippelt, to be forwarded via Sandwich Islands, Panama, &c. In this letter is Mr. Beers' draft for $562.56. Paid postage $1.00. Number 2 inset of ex- change is the amount sent. Tuesday, 20. This day we sealed up our letters for the states. They are three sheets for the Board, 2 for G. Lane, 1 Moses Adams, and 1 for George Gary, Jr. We find some relief when we get a set of letters finished. Thursday, 22. Busy reading some old papers, two years old and thereabouts. Saturday, 24. Received letters from Bro. Waller and Bro. Brewer. They conclude to abandon the station at the Balls. 10 10 This was in reply to the following letter from Gary to Waller, dated April 8, 1847, in the possession of Oregon Historical Society: April 8, 1847. Br. Waller., Br. Brewer will tell you all about the suit, quarterly meeting &c. &c. I shall write to the board recommending that they direct the Supt. to make good to Br. Brewer the judgment costs so that he may not suffer by this suit. If this is in accordance with your judgment, I hope you will convey your opinion to the board. It is my opinion you had better drive your cattle to this region, say in June, we have a camp- meeting appointed to commence the last Saturday in June at the Institute. Br. Helm is desirous to have some cows and heifers, he will send his son to you in June to help you down with them. You will send Br. Helm four one year old heifers, and four two year old heifers, one of them with a calf by her side if convenient. Send him also a good yoke of oxen. Send me the best cow, and a beef; also Br. Leslie two beeves. It is the opinion of Brs. Leslie, Helm and others (my own also) that the time has come for us to abandon your appointment with a proffer to the Missionaries above you to take it, if they please. We seriously think