Stella M. Drumm Pair of shoes Four long linen shirts One dickey Three colored cravats and 1 pad Three flannel shirts Five pocket handkerchiefs Pair dimity suspenders & silver buckles Two pairs black silk stockings Shaving apparatus, viz : 5 razors, 1 shaving box, 1 looking glass and strop, 1 coarse comb, 1 sealing wax, 1 clothes brush, shav- ing soap ------- Comfort, 2 pairs suspenders and 1/3 yd of cloth 1 trunk Pair Cassimere pantaloons, worn Satin vest Two towels Wampum and knife 1 skin pocketbook Small morocco pocketbook Small memorandum book 1 Sorrel horse said to be 6 years old 1 Horse Plough Boy Bridle, saddle and saddle-bags John Day If John Day left any descendants, they might easily establish their eligibility to that very exclusive organiz- ation, the "F. F. V.'s;" for a John Day, no doubt his ancestor, was living in Virginia at "Ye College Land" in 1623. 19 The Day family was rather conspicuous in the early history of Virginia, in Isle of Wight County, and a John Day was a member of the last House of Burgesses from that county. 20 There were at least two John Days in the Revolution, and I hope the Daughters of the American Revolution of Oregon will be able to prove that one of them was John Day of Astoria fame. One of these John Days was a 19 William and Mary Quarterly, vol. 24, p. 124. mbid. t vol. 5, p. 255. .50 9.50 .50 1.00 5.00 1.50 2.50 5.00 3.00 1.50 3.50 1.50 1.50 .371/2 1.00 .25 .50 .25 70.00 80.00 32.00